Saturday, October 20, 2012

Studying the Cards: Zero--The Fool

The interpretation given by my Everything Tarot book states:
When the Fool appears in a reading, depending on its position in the layout, it is an indication of someone who is about to embark on a new way of life. This may involve a physical journey, such as changing where one lives, starting a new job, or getting married or divorced. Often, the appearance of the Fool indicates one who is ready to start on a spiritual path, who has made peace with the need to experience absolute faith and trust in the Universe. In such a case, the person has no sense of worry or fear and feels that protection is in play and that everything will turn out well. The person may be consciously in touch with the intuitive realm of his or her being, or he or she may simply be enjoying a state of naivete and innocence about what the future will bring. The Fool represents a state of openness and is relying on his inner truth to support his adventure.

For a reading (All interpretations for readings will be for the upright position; I don't typically use reversed card definitions.):
At this time, you are out of sync with the rest of the world, but in a positive way. You may want to go out on your own, "Full speed ahead and damn the torpedoes." Or, you may feel somehow isolated from the general group, a loner. Your experience of the current situation is different from those around you, which may make you feel as if you are marching to a different drummer, and you probably are. You need to honor that "Different drummer," for that is the true beat of your authentic self trying to get your attention.

The book describes the Fool as a male figure about to step off the edge of a cliff. My card portrays a female, but doing the same thing. The fall off her cliff appears to be above a lake, so even if she were to fall she would not die. She is looking back over her shoulder completely unaware or unconcerned with the edge of the cliff. She is young, as the book says most Fool cards are, though she carries absolutely nothing with her. The book describes the Fool as sometimes carrying a rose with the sun at his back; my card shows neither the sun nor any rose, though the sky behind her gets lighter, like a pink sunrise. Her outfit is simple, and rose-colored. The book says that sometimes the Fool has a dog companion; my card does not, but has 15 butterflies, forming a sort of unorganized row around her and upwards behind her.

Details I've noticed:
She is carefree and innocent; she looks behind her with a smile, and although one foot dangles off the edge of a cliff, she doesn't seem to care. The way she holds her foot, I think she knows that there is no ground beneath her, but she seems to trust in nature to lead her where she needs to go. She is barefoot, something I think has great meaning. She is in her natural state, perhaps that is a spiritual sign. Her skirt has ribbons coming off of it, wrapping around her leg, and the lower butterflies in the stream of them seem to be taking hold of her skirt, as if they are going to lift her up and carry her to safety. Flight in general to me seems to be spiritual or mental journey. There is light in the sky behind her, though it reminds me more of a sunrise than a sunset. The book says the sun represents the source of all life.

So, to apply the details I noticed to the interpretation the book gives me, I can look at the card and see that it might, at times, represent a loner. Someone about to embark on a journey of some kind. She is innocent and carefree, and trusts in her instinct, intuition, and nature (Universe) to lead her safely; she knows that everything will work out. Stepping off the cliff represents the proverbial "leap of faith", but she is smiling so she knows the Universe will guide her well. She looks at the butterflies as friends, so she has absolute trust in both the Universe and possibly her inner Self, and holds no fear or worry for what the future might bring.

It is February 7th, 2014 and I am reviewing the cards I have already studied. Looking back over The Fool, I still see a lot of the things I saw before. She is ready to begin a new journey,  whether that is a new job, a new relationship, or a new spiritual path. She has put her faith in the universe and will trust it to lead her where she needs to go. It may set her on a path apart from others, and her way might be different, but she needs to accept that difference and continue her own way.

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