Thursday, October 25, 2012

Blur of Color, But Not a Dream

Well, last night was the first night since I began putting my cards under my pillow that I didn't necessarily "dream". Although I think it might be my own fault, I went to bed late and woke up early, and have been unable to go back to sleep, I think it's worth it. I went to bed late because I was laughing and snuggling up with my hubby, and I got up early and decided that since I couldn't sleep, rather than laying down till I drifted off, I would get online and start doing surveys.

However, just because I didn't "dream" doesn't mean I slept in darkness. Throughout the few hours I did sleep, I saw an array of colors and shapes and sounds and music. I felt motion. I was somewhere, doing something, I just can't remember much or pick out any particular shapes, colors, sounds, or movements.

I seem to recall something as if I was running through Azeroth in World of Warcraft... but as myself. That is the only tangible notion in a long string of intangibility that I can even attempt to grasp onto from last night. But in all the blur that there was, I don't want to actually label that as a "dream."

I think I'm going to try to study another card today though. Out of 78 cards, I would really rather go through the deck initially in less than 78 days...

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