Wednesday, October 17, 2012

My Cards at a Glance: First Impressions (Minor Arcana)

Yesterday I opened my deck for the first time, and took note of my first impressions of each of the Major Arcana. Last night, I slept with my deck under my pillow, safely back in it's box. I need to find a nice soft silk or felt pouch to store them in. I dreamed such a wild vivid dream! (Here's a link to that specific dream.) Nearly every emotion one can imagine was felt in this dream... it's as if my mind shared itself with the cards, and I got to watch the transference of memory and emotion and thought. I'll keep the deck under my pillow every night this week, I think.

This morning, I am ready to do the first impressions of the Minor Arcana. I'm going to start with Wands, then go through Pentacles, Swords, and Cups. King, Queen, Knight, Page, Ace, then 2-10.

Minor Arcana

Suit of Wands
King: Powerful, courageous; I love the suit of wands. He is a leader I would look up to.
Queen: She, too, is powerful. She seems proud to stand at her King's side, yet a force to be reckoned with on her own. This card has always been my Significator--and after seeing this card in this deck, that hasn't changed.
Knight: He appears ready to charge into battle, but... something about him seems off...
Page: Peaceful and guarded; this card seems to say, "I will take action when it's called for, but I would prefer to stay peaceful."
Ace: Pure and natural power of nature. The power of fire, but to be used for good, not for destroying.
Two: It's like there's something beyond the card I should be seeing... it's like, if I stare hard enough into the distance of the card, I'll see it.
Three: The lighted ball she carries is casting it's light in two different directions, but as much as that ball should be the focal point of the card, my attention is constantly drawn to the tiny dragon in the foreground.
Four: Love. Possibly forbidden, or at least not looked upon favorably by all. But, one that is simple, and to be enjoyed while it lasts.
Five: This one is hard... I have different thoughts that come to mind, but the first thing I thought is that in the image on the card, the lions are fighting (but not trying to kill each other) and one boy is telling the other two to leave them be and let them fight it out for themselves. That it will be okay.
Six: Power, peace, control. Courage, pride, and understanding. I think I like this card.
Seven: This card makes me feel like I'm going into battle, outnumbered, but holding my ground. Hard times, maybe?
Eight: Unicorns! The image is eight unicorns. I'm not sure what to think right away, but I do know that the "wands" on this card are the unicorn horns, and that unicorns are very powerful yet peaceful creatures. Very magickal. I wonder what this card means? I'm intrigued. Can't wait to study this card in depth at a later date.
Nine: A darker card... This one does seem to have fallen upon hard times. Makes me think of contemplation and consideration of options, or consideration of surrender. The lion in the image does tell me that sometimes, it takes a lot of courage to give up on a losing battle.
Ten: Starting a new journey, heading off into the sunset. But prepared! Well prepared.

Suit of Pentacles
King: This suit really shows the earthiness of pentacles. This king seems all-natural, as if he treats himself as one with the forest, not above it. A wise king indeed.
Queen: Hm. I like the picture on the card, but I'm not sure I really like this queen in general. She seems to carry herself in a way that says she thinks she IS better than everyone else; she seems proud of her earthly possesions.
Knight: Peaceful, harmless, and innocent.
Page: This card makes me feel completely in-tune with nature. At the same time it makes me feel like it doesnt matter how much money I have, I enjoy what I have. Like, the value of a dollar rather than the quantity of dollars?
Ace: This card makes me feel like life is simple. I've never had such a positive connection to Pentacles before. I've always associated them with nothing but money; but now with this deck, pentacles seems to have returned to their rightful place as a representation of Earth, rather than always monetary value. I like it!
Two: The way she's standing she seems to be balancing, and with the two pentacles on her arms, she has to balance everything just right, or either she falls, or one of the pentacles falls.
Three: A household working hard at daily chores. A marriage in it's mundane life. Oddly enough the pentacles, although on a downward slope of a vine, to me seem as if they're rolling UP the vine. I wonder if that means anything?
Four: This card makes me think of a leprechaun guarding their pot of gold. She has quite a bit of it, but she's holding on for dear life. I like that not only does she have gold stored in her tree, but the tree itself is fruitful. Success! I don't like how tightly she holds on though...
Five: This card makes me think of a family going through hard times. Good times are right around the corner, so keep your hopes up, and for now just remember that you always have each other. This card makes me want to hug my children tight and tell them that I love them.
Six: I like this card. Reaping what you sow, nature helping you, as if life is easy somehow... Money growing on trees, haha. A wonderful fantasy. I could just imagine this card popping up during a reading, in the "hopes and fears" position.
Seven: Seems to be another successful card, relaxing with what you have and enjoying life.
Eight: This card seems... poor, and sorrowful, yet hopeful. You get what you give; work hard and one day you will have more... in time. As sad as it makes me, I like this card. It's still a positive message. Now I understand what my book was telling me when it said you should find a deck you sympathize with.
Nine: This card seems to be showing off. But not on purpose, if that makes sense. It's beautiful, regal, exotic, yet simple and fanciful.
Ten: I'm not sure what this card is saying, but I like it. I have a feeling I could stare at this card all day and just let my mind wander with it.

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