Wednesday, October 17, 2012

My Cards at a Glance: First Impressions (Minor Arcana)

I had to split the post on my first impressions of the Minor Arcana into two parts, it was getting a bit long. This post will have the suit of Swords and suit of Cups.

Minor Arcana

King: There seems to be things flying in every single Swords card, either butterflies or what looks like crows/ravens. Some sort of black bird. I'm leaning toward Raven, since this king has large black wings. He seems to radiate energy.
Queen: So many butterflies! And she also has butterfly wings. I know swords represent Air, so that could be why there are so many wings. I like this card. Even with the sword in her hand, it calms me.
Knight: On a pegasus, of course! This card makes me... not sad, but... cautious?
Page: Swords are so dark and often bleak. Nothing around but herself and the ravens...Even the crown of light above her head still makes me feel... alone. As if the only comfort is in my own mind.
Ace: This card makes me think of the swords in old legends. King Arthur, the Master Sword of Zelda, the sword all great princes use to slay the beast and rescue his princess.
Two: Hm. She's blindfolded... that is the first thing I noticed, and the first thing I thought was "trust your instinct".
Three: In my starter deck, this card always made me think of the Three Musketeers... one of them betraying the others, and the band broken up after years of good memories and worthy causes. This card, though, makes me feel heartbroken and sad. A love lost, that can never be had again.
Four: She seems so full of life, yet her beauty is being forgotten, lost, covered up... This card is screaming at me that it has a deep meaning I should know, but I can't seem to place it...
Five: Betrayal. Expected, though? It hurts, but I can't help but notice he carries more swords... presumably to betray others with.
Six: This card makes me think of an ending. Like, she's just finished an unwanted battle, and is throwing down her swords for good and leaving them behind, saddened that she had to pick them up at all. I'm not sure how I can think those things when you can't even see her face... but that's just what it makes me think of.
Seven: This card doesn't seem to tell me anything. Whatever the message is, I don't see it at first glance. It's just... unclear to me.
Eight: I think I've felt like this before. Trapped, blindfolded, no way to go, yet being pulled in all different directions. Unsure what's going on, helpless, having no control... A prisoner in your own mind, perhaps?
Nine: I was afraid of this card, I've never liked it. I'm not afraid of it in this deck, but I still don't like it much. All of these swords have ravens on them, and none of them have handles. I don't like that. It's something you can't grasp, you can't control, it's... intangible? It's still fear, in some way.
Ten: First thought: Overkill. Something is officially over, whether it's an aspect of life or a dream... but it still gives me some glimmer of hope, since I can see what to me looks like her spirit floating over her body. The body is gone, but the spirit lives on. That is a positive message in an otherwise negative seeming card.

King: He seems a wise and peaceful king.
Queen: She seems... knowing. But not of knowledge... either your emotions or thoughts, it's like she can see right through me to what I'm really thinking or feeling, regardless of what I show. It's a bit unnerving, but she also seems caring. Like, it's okay.
Knight: Reminds me of that glorious prince that rides in to save the princess. He's handsome, flashy, yet simple and still strong. Is his character as strong as it seems?
Page: This is the image on the box cover. She's beautiful, open, trusting, caring, thoughtful... a wonderful card, and a wonderful person.
Ace: Despite all the symbols of the phases of the moon, the beautiful flowers, and the dragonflies, all I can think of when I see this card is that the cup is overflowing. It's so full that it's overflowing... I like this card though, so I don't think it's a bad thing. Success, maybe? Something positive?
Two: I love this card. It's beautiful. Man and woman in their simplest selves, interacting, sharing, loving. This card reminds me of exactly how I felt when I first fell in love with my husband. When it feels like you're the only two people in the world... *happy sigh*
Three: This makes me think of friendship. Of differences working together in harmony. Good vibes from this card.
Four: Daydreaming... happy dreams.
Five: Aww, this card makes me want to cry... Actually, I think I AM starting to cry. It's so sad! Next card please... =(
Six: Even though its a woman and a child, this reminds me of an older sister helping or passing on wisdom to her younger sister. I like it.
Seven: I've always liked the Seven of Cups, and this card is no different. It makes me think of fantasy and dreams, and every cup offering something different. And all being offered, as well.
Eight: Hm... not a single cup is standing, and she's walking away (with the help of a branch, it's always nice to know help is there if you need it) but even though this card makes me think of loss, or leaving, there is a path in front of her. It doesn't make me sad. It's like, "next chaper of life".
Nine: Is this the famous "wish card"? That's the first thing that came to mind. Making a wish...
Ten: Oh what a beautiful, beautiful card! I love it! Man, woman, and child. Together, embraced in love. A family, a wonderful family, filled with love and nurturing. A wonderful card to end the impressions on.

This deck is amazing. I felt something for nearly every card, and the ones I felt nothing strong for were still beckoning me to learn more. I love how the different suits also represent different seasons; I think each season goes well with the suits they represent. It all fits together in harmony, in balance. I like that there are cards in each suit that I like, and cards in each suit that I don't very much care for. I feel stronger connections to the cards in this deck than I ever have to any deck I've seen before. So many of the cards had so many other symbols and things going on in the card, I wanted to just keep typing and going into more and more detail! But this is just the first impressions, the detail will come later in individual studies of each card. But I am excited to do those studies!

I am going to try my best to withhold my yearning for the cards, and take care of my daily chores. And eat lunch! It's important not to forget to eat. I'll return tomorrow, and start back with the Major Arcana, taking a card or two a day and studying them in depth. Today, the map has been laid out. Tomorrow, the journey begins.

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