Saturday, December 8, 2012

Arcanum Journey: Six through Eight

I have studied the next three cards in the Major Arcana:
Six--The Lovers
Seven--The Chariot
I have found a connection between these three cards, and although they do follow the first six cards, they seem connected to each other more.

After having opened yourself to the Universe, been given the tools and access to the knowledge you seek, and being introduced to the four aspects of your inner Self, you are ready to move on and conquer the obstacles and inner conflicts that trouble you.

The Lovers is all about union. It's about looking inside yourself and coming to terms with the opposites and inner conflicts; it's about admitting and accepting your opposites and joining them together to become a unified duality. For instance, realizing that you can be muscular and still gentle, or beautiful and still smart. It's more than that though, it's understanding that your physical and spiritual selves work together in harmony. This card is also about romantic love and the joining of two people, although in a spiritual sense it's all about your own inner needs and self-love. This card also poses a choice, having to be discriminatory at times in order to move on and master the opposing forces within. Whatever choice you make, however, will be the right one, because it will make you whole.
The Chariot is the process of overcoming these forces and mastering them. The beasts that pull the chariot are the conflicting forces, and they are being mastered and controlled to work together in harmony and unison and guide the charioteer. This card is learning to use the opposites to your benefit, and move yourself in a forward direction toward something better.
Strength is the clarity and power you have after you have mastered your conflicts. Once you are in charge and in touch with yourself, Strength is the perfect combination of intuition and animalistic instinct that guides you and proves your strength, confidence, and worldly power. You use these traits spiritually, rather than overtaking everything physically. It shows your own "inner strength" and the willpower to overcome anything with your mind rather than just your body. This card says to me, "you have the clarity of mind now to go where you want to go, and to trust in that little voice in your head." This card boasts of victory, because you have officially overcome the obstacles you faced from the Lovers, and you have mastered the beasts of the Chariot.

I know in my heart that I still have obstacles and choices I must make and reconcile with. I believe this to be the area of my spiritual journey that I myself am on. I am curious as to what the next cards in the Major Arcana will reveal, since I think they will be what I have to look forward to in the upcoming stages of my life.

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