Friday, December 7, 2012

Studying the Cards: Seven-- The Chariot

Interpretation given by my Everything Tarot book states:
When the Chariot appears, there is a need to be in control of competing forces, whether these are inner conflicts or whether they represent people or a situation in your life that requires you to take command in order to reach your goals. Like the celebrated but seldom achieved "bipartisanship" of government, the solution to the problem at hand is to take the middle road between the conflicting elements.
You may feel unequal to the challenge of controlling the multiple factors of a given situation, but if you choose to just "go with the flow" and make the best of where it takes you, you will succeed. Once you have resolved within your own mind the conflict, even if that requires considerable struggle, you will be in a position to stay on course. To do this, you need firm resolve--self-mastery. With a strategy determined by clear-thinking and a sense of purpose, you will overcome all obstacles.
Receiving the Chariot in a reading, depending on its position in the spread, is generally favorable. It indicates you have the means to triumph over all obstacles and stay the course you have set for yourself. It can also mean that assistance is on the way as a result of your own strength and determination. It can also suggest you are in the process of transforming yourself and your ways of thinking and doing in order to create a firm foundation from which to go forward and achieve your desires. You are at this time keenly aware of how to use your past experiences to reach a major goal and you are in touch with deep inner resources.
At a literal level, it relates to travel and transportation and could mean changing your mode of transport, such as buying a new car, or traveling by rail or some other form of wheeled vehicle.

In a reading:
Victory is assured! Things are moving fast, and transition is occurring rapidly. You are holding things together successfully, uniting opposite energies to stay on track. This is a situation where you are completely, totally involved, and happily so. You are feeling together with yourself and whatever task is at hand to be accomplished. Though the pace is faster than usual, you are attuned to the rhythm of it and keeping up with the changes that are happening--at your job, in your relationship, with your career, or in some community or worldly involvement. You are sensitive to the minor adjustments you must constantly make to keep things going right.

My book describes the Chariot as being a strong male, fully armored and carrying a scepter. He is in a chariot, at the reins of two beasts, one black and one white. My Chariot is a strong female, with some leather armor but not a lot, and she has one hand on the rail of the chariot and one hand holding the reins of two horses, one black and one white. The harnesses on the horses are opposite colors as well; the black horse has a white harness and the white horse has a black harness. The wheels on the chariot are said to represent the ever-changing life cycles--the Wheel of Time. On some cards, the animals are pulling in opposite directions and the charioteer must hold "the reins taut to keep them in tandem, another symbolic statement of the need to master and reconcile conflicting needs, both inner and outer." My horses seem to be going in the same direction, though the white one seems to veer more to its left and the black one looking more to its right. My books says that the beasts represent the opposing forces that were reconciled at the stage of the Lovers. This also represents the person's mastery of these opposing forces and control over inner conflict. The books also says that this card tells us that before we can take on outer forces or enemies we must first be in charge of our inner opposites so they can function in harmony.
The Chariot is a symbol for Self and its direction, just like any vehicle appearing in a dream.

Details I've noticed:
On my card, the Chariot is steered by a strong-willed woman, dressed for action but not battle. She is controlling something and taking charge, but she is not fighting it. She is in a simple chariot with wings behind it and golden wheels. The chariot she is in represents her sense of self direction, the wheels representing the cycles of life, the Wheel of Time. In her right hand she holds the reins of two horses, one white and one black. The horses represent opposing forces, different actions or emotions or traits, that have come together to work in unison. Each of the horses are harnessed in their opposing colors; the black horse has a white harness and the white horse has a black harness. Once again, the cooperation of opposing forces. The horses are going the same direction, though they are each looking off to their respective sides as if they would rather go different ways. The woman has the reins held evenly though, mastering and controlling the beasts equally. She is ensuring that they go the same way, together, though she has her other hand resting on the rail of the chariot, as if she is allowing them to guide her. I think this means that after you have acknowledged and unified your opposites and resolved the conflicts within yourself, you must master them and use them together. Make them work for the same cause. However, just because you are mastering them does not mean you should force them in any particular direction; choose where you want to go, but let them lead you there.
The woman's hair is flying behind her, showing that the Chariot is moving at a fast pace. There are eagles flying in the sky, showing how regal and imperial she is, and she truly is important in the reign of one's Self. Farther in the background, the clouds seem to form uneven peaks and ridges, which represents to me that she is leaving conflict behind. What I found interesting is that this card is number seven; my book says that number seven is all about soul-searching and solitude. It's about "inner life," and seven is a very mystical number symbolizing wisdom. A time to search on a spiritual level, exploring yourself and your individuality. This is not a time to do anything material or physical related or start anything new physically; this is a spiritual number and your energy should be focused thus. Analyze your past experiences and examine your current ones. Just find your own path in life. This is a great number for the Chariot, since this card is all about self discovery, self mastery, and spiritual control and direction.

Today is February 8th, 2014 and I am reviewing the cards that I have already studied. The Chariot still holds the same meanings to me; it is about taking the conflicts and the two sides of the Lovers card and steering them in the direction you desire. In a reading this card means that you might be moving forward very quickly, that something might be escalating fast and you might feel like it's out of your control, but you DO have control over it, and at this time you have the ability to make the subtle changes required to keep moving the right direction. This card in the journey represents leaving behind the conflicts and the choice of the Lovers card, taking both sides together and using them to work toward the common goal and direction.

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